How do I create reports in EverBright?

How do I create reports in EverBright?

EverBright's reporting feature allows you to generate table reports and extract data for offline use. Five types of reports can be generated: 

  • Proposals Report is a list of proposals generated between specified dates and containing information about the site, system, and quotes associated with each proposal.

  • Milestones Report is a list of signed contracts that were closed between specified dates containing information about the contract's post-sale workflow, such as the current milestone and the completion date of each milestone.

  • Tasks Report is a list of workflow tasks that were last updated between specified dates containing task-level information such as task name and status but also corresponding site, quote, contract, and system data.

  • Workflow report is a list of signed contracts last updated between specified dates that includes workflow status information, such as milestone submission date and completion or rejection date.

  • Credit Applications Report is a list of credit applications last updated between specified dates that includes information on qualification status, approved amount and legal contacts.

This article shows the steps for accessing the reporting feature, creating and saving a report, and understanding the data contained in a report. 

Accessing reports 

To access reporting, click on REPORTING. You can find this option on the upper right section of EverBright.

What jobs will I see?

  • The jobs you see in reports will be based off your EverBright account permissions and will match what jobs you are able to see in the job pipeline.

  • Example: If you are a sales manager and can see all the jobs in the pipeline, you'll also see all these jobs in reporting. If you are a sales rep, you will see your own jobs in reporting.

Navigating the reports page

The main area in the reports screen shows previously-generated reports in the right bar. Selected a report from the right column and the report will be displayed on the left side of the screen. Scroll vertically and horizontally through the displayed report's data to view all of the report's content. The displayed report can be extracted as a CSV file by clicking on Export to CSV. Users can search through previously-generated reports using the search bar. A new report can be created by clicking on New Report


Running a new report

Click on the + New Report button in the upper right corner of the screen.

In the modal that pops up, start by selecting the desired report template: Proposals Report, Milestones Report, Tasks Report, Workflow Report, or Credit Applications Report.

Complete the required information:

  • Report Name: desired name of the report.

  • Report Description: a description of the report.

  • Date range: the date range you wish to run the report for.

  • For: the selected metric of interest for the date range. Each report template has specific relevant options:

    • The Proposals Report has the date option "Date Created" which is the date when the proposal was created

    • The Milestones Report has two date options:

      • "Site Last Updated"

      • "Date Signed" the date when the contract was signed

    • The Tasks Report has the date option "Site Last Updated"

    • The Workflow Report has the date option "Workflow Last Updated"

    • The Credit Qualification Report has date option "Credit Last Updated"

Click the Run Report button. 

The report appears on the main screen and can be found in the right bar.

Managing existing reports

To delete a report, click on the "x" in the upper right corner of the report reference in the right bar.

Navigating data in reports

This section offers clarifications on the data you'll find in the various report templates. Most of the fields are self-explanatory so we'll focus on those that aren't.

Proposals Report

  • System Production In First Year: the system's first year production in kWh

  • System Productivity: productivity in kWh/kW

  • Quote Count: number of quotes included in the proposal

  • Product Count: the number of financing product options represented in the proposal

Milestones Report

  • System Production In First Year: the system's first-year production in kWh

  • System Productivity: productivity in kWh/kW

  • Rate Contract: the equivalent contract rate in $/kWh

  • Date Signed: the contract signing date (when e-sign document was received or when a wet-signed contract was uploaded)

Tasks Report

  • Quotetask Name: name of the task

  • Quotetask Status: 

    • NOSTART: task is not started

    • PENDING: the milestone that contains this task is pending approval

    • APPROVED: the milestone that contains this task is approved

    • COMP: task is checked off / complete

    • INPROG: task in progress, a document was uploaded

    • SENT: the document in this document-generating task was sent

    • SIGN: the document in this document-generating task was signed

  • Date Signed: for tasks involving a document to be signed, the date when it was signed (when e-sign document was received or when a wet-signed contract was uploaded)

Credit Applications Report

  • Legal Contact Name: this is the legal contact submitted at the time of credit application/qualification, as opposed to the site contact that can be found in e.g. the Milestone report.

  • Quote status for job: status for the farthest along quote & workflow associated with the site

  • Quote count: total number of signed quotes for the site

Adding new fields to reports

If you would like to add new fields to any reports, they can be requested by submitting an EverBright support request.

Any questions? Please email support@goeverbright.com.