De-escalation Process for Pausing/Deferring Payments

De-escalation Process for Pausing/Deferring Payments

Handled By: Customer Support Supervisors

Background: There may be instances where pausing/deferring payments up to 3 months for a customer is needed as part of a de-escalating tool. Complaint types could be but not limited to BBB (Better Business Bureau), legal, etc.

Process Overview




Create Case and Case Assignment for Revenue Protection. Add all relevant information to the ticket (name, address, reason, length of time) as an internal note for pausing or deferment.

Launch can also do deferements and pausing and small modifications. Homeowners should attempt resolution with Launch first.

@Cassandra Mercadohas the authority to approve up to 3 months of EverBright-funded payments.

@Alexis Simmons (Unlicensed)will notify Launch to update the customer’s account accordingly.


Follow up as needed with @Alexis Simmons (Unlicensed).