How do I add panels to a solar array?

How do I add panels to a solar array?

To add panels to a solar project, click the Add Panels option in the sidebar to the right of the input form.

This will allow you to add panels to your existing array. You can add panels in a Fixed Placement or Free Placement. More on these options below.

Fixed Placement

Adding panels using fixed placement allows you to add panels that align with the rest of the existing array. This option is optimized for both grid and offset layout and is also flexible enough to work with free alignment. Grid alignment is the default alignment since it results in the most consistent and polished design. You can also use fixed placement to replace previously deleted panels.

Click a blue panel outline on the map to add a panel to the array. Add as many panels as you would like, then click the Add Panels button in the pop-up to save your changes.

You will see blue panels where you are allowed to add panels. Blue panels will not appear below the azimuth edge, on top of keepouts, or intersecting with other arrays. You can place panels over setbacks and outside of the array boundary.

Free Placement

Adding panels using free placement allows you to rotate the panels to either landscape or portrait and place them in your selected locations. Panels can be placed next to the existing array panels or nearby. To select free placement, toggle to the Free Placement option in the Add Panels pop-up.

Add as many panels as you would like by clicking on the locations you would like them placed, then click the Add Panels button in the pop-up to save your changes.

Once you place a panel using free placement, you can also switch back to fixed placement and build off of the freely placed panel.

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