When and How to Escalate Complaints and Sensitive Concerns

When and How to Escalate Complaints and Sensitive Concerns

Background: Occasionally, an irate customer may request to speak with leadership or require special handling for their complaint or concern. This SOP outlines the procedures for these situations to ensure effective and professional management.

This document provides clear steps for agents to follow when dealing with upset customers or handling escalations. Adhering to these guidelines will help maintain professionalism and ensure that customer issues are addressed efficiently.

Key Considerations and Tips:

  • Empathy and Patience: Approach each interaction with understanding and calm, demonstrating empathy for the customer's situation.

  • Clear Communication: Communicate clearly and professionally, ensuring that the customer feels heard and valued.

  • Protocol Adherence: Follow the specific steps outlined in this SOP to ensure proper escalation and resolution. You are truly the best source to help each unique customer interaction.











  • Is the customer upset/refusing assistance and requesting a lead or supervisor and/or does the customer’s concern qualify for additional review by a resolution specialist?





  • Follow the appropriate SOP/Process and Stop



  • Is there any open case related with this complaint?




  • Ask the customer if they would allow us the opportunity to review the concern further and contact them with an update within 24-48 business hours

How to proceed If customer agrees to wait for a Follow up:






  • Agent must gather a detailed overview from the customer by asking the following questions


  • After asking the questions agent must ensure that the customer understands the need of documentation related to their complaint to assist with resolution

  • To facilitate the request documentation; Front-Line Agent will send an Email to the customer during the call

  • Once the Email Reply is received by the customer this will go directly to our Back Office queue



  • Then; you must Create a case in Salesforce

Primary Reason:

  • Complaints

Case Description:

  • Include the Detailed Overview of the call/interaction.

  • Supporting Documentation from the Homeowner (If provided)

  • Include the installer/sales rep POV.

  • CXone recording or interaction ID.

  • Key Points of the interaction:

    • What type of escalated concern it is.

    • What red flags did you see when reviewing their concern?

    • What other items raised concern?

    • Does the voice in the welcome call match to your interaction with the homeowner?

    • Review the Certificate of Completion.



  • Create a case assignment and assign to the Resolution Team and then Stop



  • Advice the customer : “We take your concerns seriously and we will be investigating your concerns. We also highly recommend you calling your installer and notifying them of your concerns. As we are partnered with your installer, but they do not work for Everbright.”




How to proceed if customer refuses to wait for a Follow-Up:







  • Attempt to connect the customer with a Resolution Lead


Agent will Warm Transfer to the “Resolution Lead” Skill and wait for 30 seconds to respond.


  • Complete the transfer

  • Stop Here


Qualifiers for Additional Review

(Go back To the Main Process)

  • Retained or contacted a lawyer/legal counsel

  • Slander

  • Retained or contacted a lawyer/legal counsel

  • Slander

  • Fraudulent claims

  • Better Business Bureau complaint

  • Illegal actions

  • Social media complaint

  • Agreement violations

  • Unlicensed contractor

  • Falsified records

  • Foreclosure notice

  • Mischaracterization

  • Lien requests from creditors against installers or homeowners

  • Nonregistered company

  • Customer privacy concerns


Detailed Overview Specifications:








  • You will gather and verify the following information from the Customer:


  • What is your Email Address?



Gather the following Information based on the customer’s concern


Claiming Fraud



Promises from the Installer


  • Has the system worked as intended/Is it currently operational?

  • Were you promised something outside of the contract?

  1. Was the promise verbal?

  2. Do they have documentation?



Sales Representative

  • Who did the sales representative say they worked for?

  • What did the sales representative tell them they were signing up for?

  • What did the sales representative tell you would happen afterward?

  • Have you had any other contact with the sales representative after they first came to your home?

    • Are you in contact with them?

  • Did the sales rep make an email for you?

    • If yes;

      • Did they give you the login info?

      • Did you ever have access to the email?

  • (Go back toHow To proceed if customer agrees to wait for a Follow Up)




  • Do you remember receiving anything via email?

  • Do you remember reviewing any documentation on your device or the sales representative's device?

  • Did you receive a copy of your agreement?

    • Were you promised to receive it and never did?

  • Did the documentation you received seem off to you?

    • Did you realize it was a credit
      application or contract?

  • Do you remember answering any yes or no questions (completing welcome call) using your phone or the sales representative’s phone?

  • (Go back toHow To proceed if customer agrees to wait for a Follow Up)



System / Production



Credit Consent

  • Was the sales rep and/or installer physically present?

    • Ask the HO If they have the names of the parties present?

  • Did you receive the customer credit application via email and acknowledge it through your device?

  • Was the customer credit application clicked and acknowledged onsite via the installer/sales rep's mobile device?

  • What did the installer/sales rep advise on what would happen?

  • Was there anything that occurred that was not advised?

  • Was there anything confusing during the credit application?

  • (Go back toHow To proceed if customer agrees to wait for a Follow Up)


Back Office Support Procedure:






  • If you are a back office support agent receiving an Email coming from a customer providing Supporting Documentation




  • Then; based on the Email Handling Process:

    • Since this was previously handled by another agent:

      • Go to the “Directory” Tab in DFO and search for the required agent

  • IF the system shows the Original Agent as Available (🟢) or Busy (🟡):

    • Transfer the Email to the Original Agent

  • IF the system shows the Original Agent as Unavailable (🔴) or Logged Out (🔘):

    • Handle the Email yourself by going to the following Step (Click Here)



If a Resolution Agent is working on a Special Case or Escalation where an interaction recording older than 90 days is required (For Example: For compliance purposes), Follow these steps:






  • Access the following Link:


  • Complete the following information:

    • Raise this request on behalf of:

      • Keep your name (This will be automatically populated)

    • Share with:

      • Leave it as “None”

    • Title:

      • Requesting Access to recordings older than 90 days

    • Description:

      • Provide a detailed explanation of the issue

    • Priority:

      • Select the appropriate category based on the urgency of the request

    • Issue Type:

      • Select Task

    • Product:

      • Select “Agent Issue”






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