What are Pipelines?

What are Pipelines?

What are Pipelines?

Pipelines show a list of all active jobs for a user's account. If you have rep-level permissions, you will see your jobs (this includes jobs with all or selected phases that are assigned to you). If you have manager-level permissions, you will see all the jobs in your company's account.

To access the Pipeline, you can click on the PIPELINE text on the upper right side of your screen beside. You'll find this beside REPORTING

You’ll then see a list of jobs that will appear like this:

The Homeowner names and addresses are blurred on this screenshot, but normally, it they are visible on the platform:

First Name Last Name


How are jobs displayed on the Pipeline?

Pipelines also provide a visual representation of where jobs are within their respective processes.

By default, the jobs are arranged in descending order according to the date they were last updated (you may refer to the screenshot above for reference). But there are several ways you can sort these jobs and skim through the list.

You can arrange jobs on the pipeline by:

  • Homeowner & Site  [in ascending and descending order] - Clicking the up and down arrows will arrange the jobs according to their homeowner’s last name.
  • Date Created [in ascending and descending order]  This arranges the jobs in your pipeline according to the date they were created, the dates for when the jobs are created will also be displayed on the pipeline as well.
  • Last Updated [in ascending and descending order] - This arranges the jobs according to the date they were last updated. Similar to the date created, the date the job was last updated will also be displayed on the pipeline.

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