How do I create a retrofit job?

How do I create a retrofit job?

You can now create retrofit projects through EverBright.

Getting Started

To start, you will need to enter a new address for a new job first. On the Address phase, click on the drop-down button beside Job Info. From here, you will see a toggle to turn on Retrofit. If you’d like to create a retrofit project, please go ahead and click on the toggle so it turns blue (on).

Turning on the toggle sets up default settings in other phases. When you set a job to retrofit, EverBright will automatically default the pre-project rate schedule to a Solar eligible rate when applicable

Please note that you can make jobs retrofit (or not) after creating the job and proceeding with your initial selection. All you need to do is return to the address phase, and turn the toggle on/off. This will automatically kick off invalidation, and update all downstream phases accordingly.

What happens if there is no toggle?

After creating a job, if you do not see the retrofit toggle, have no fear! Please reach out to support@goeverbright.com, so our configuration team can help set up the functionality on for your account.

Still have questions? Contact support@goeverbright.com or start a chat with us when you are logged into the platform.