Property Eligibility

Property Eligibility

Background: EverBright will have specific requirements to determine the Eligibility or Ineligibility of a property with our financing products such as EverBright EverOwn, EverBright EverFixed & EverFlex, and EverBright EverEasy.


Type of Property



Type of Property



  • Single Family Home

  • If DP requires documentation to prove that the property is a single-family residence, the following will be requested:

    • Copy of a recent utility bill showing that the property is on a residential meter



  • Duplexes and Triplexes

  • Side by side - can be a single owner on the title or multiple owners on multiple titles

  • Stacked Construction - must be a single owner for the entire structure

    • Thank you for submitting your project for review. Based on the title property report we pulled, this property is listed as a Duplex and appears to have multiple units on site. Please note, per our Solar Financing and Underwriting policy, we require a separate solar project to be created for each meter. In order for us to continue to review this project, please submit/upload the following documents in the task titled "Title Stips":

      1. Please provide/upload a full copy of the

      utility bill showing information about the meter that is to be serviced and also a clear picture of the meter itself showing all of the meter numbers. If there are separate meters, then please provide us with pictures of the separate
      meters and a copy of the Utility bill for the specific meter to be installed for this project. 

      1. Please provide/upload photos of the home that shows the property's address and clearly shows the property structure, including the roof

      structure where Solar System to be installed.  

      If you have any additional questions, please contact the EverBright Credit and Title Support team at 877-465-2496



  • Condos/Town homes

  • The contractor must attest that all stakeholders have received all permissions necessary to install solar on the property.



  • Agricultural Properties

  • Accepted if a single-family home resides on the property with a residential utility meter



  • Second Properties

  • 2 properties maximum per individual

An individual can only be on a contract for a max of 2 different properties. If there's another individual on title for the 3rd, 4th, etc. property address, they're welcome to have that individual sign the contract (and could also have someone else on contract/credit approved if they're unable to credit qualify. It can’t be that original individual who's already on 2 different contracts for 2 different addresses).




Type of Property


Type of Property


  • Rental Property / Investment Property


  • Non-profit owned home


  • Cooperative housing unit(Co-op)


  • Commercial property


  • Property must not require an environmental study or approval


  • Modular/Manufactured/Mobile Homes

  • Since June 15th 2024, Any Mobile, Modular, and Manufactured Home is NOT eligible for Everbright Financing

  • These types of homes, including those on a permanent foundation, will not be allowed under any circumstances

  • Any Contract for a Mobile/Modular/Manufactured home project not signed by June 14th, 2024 will be canceled on June 15th 2024 (Please refer to the following article)

  • Ground Mounts are not an alternative applicable for these type of Homes





  • In the event that a title report comes back as an ineligible property type, the installer will be notified on the platform as to why the property is ineligible for EverBright.

  • If the installer or homeowner states that that information is out of date or inaccurate, they would need to provide documentation to confirm residential status.

  • To do this, the installer would need to retrieve these documents from their client and upload them into the platform.

  • To upload a document, select the documents upload tab, found on the right-hand vertical ribbon menu. Shown below







  • In the event that a title report comes back as an ineligible property type, the installer will be notified on the platform as to why the property is ineligible for EverBright.

  • If the installer or homeowner states that that information is out of date or inaccurate, they would need to provide documentation to confirm residential status.

  • To do this, the installer would need to retrieve these documents from their client and upload them into the platform.

  • To upload a document, select the documents upload tab, found on the right-hand vertical ribbon menu. Shown below







Alternatively, the homeowner can email this information to dealprocessing@goeverbright.com for review. To ensure a quick resolution, the title of their email should include the following: first and last name, address, and the type of document they have included for review. Example: Jane Doe: 187 Smith Ln, Dalton GA 30720: Title Document.

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