EverBright Internal Training
Course Descriptions & Booking Instructions
Internal EverBright Technology Training (Group Courses)
Internal EverBright Technology Training is designed to help new employees become familiarized with the EverBright Technology. There are currently three courses offered, a 2-day course on job creation that is designed for folks that want to know about the EverBright Technology, but likely won’t be using it on a day-to-day basis. A 2-day course for folks that will make use of previously created jobs that are in the funding milestones process. Also, a 5-day course on job creation that provides a bit more depth with the addition of a hands-on experience nearly every day. The 5-day course is designed for folks who will be using the EverBright Technology themselves, or helping others to use the EverBright Technology. All courses are introductory only (EverBright Technology mastery takes months), and only one of the three courses is needed for onboarding.
Please Note: On the Booking page/link, you must change the calendar to the month when the class starts.
To book any/all internal courses, please use this link.
2-Day Existing Job Use Course Syllabus
Instructor - Rick Dubbs richard.dubbs@goeverbright.com
For roles that want to be familiar with Engine in order to check that existing jobs are optimum and mistake-free.. This course emphasizes information related to Everbright’s focus on and smooth operations and satisfied homeowners. Currently offered every-other week.
Day 1
Different Environments
Logging in (EverBright, LLC vs. originating Org)
Address Phase
Contact Phase
Usage phase: Key to accurate calculations for HO savings.
Underwriting Requirements: M1 U-Bill
What is Genability
Correct utility and rate selected
How reps can edit usage and the algorithm adjusts – how to tell what data has been edited (blue)
Projected usage changes
Daily usage profiles
Side bar info to see rate entered.
Project phase: offset, production, shade reports, how to find live project
Dropdown Caret: How to find Training Hub
Day 2
Quote Phase:
Live quote, symbols for expired quotes
Rate/escalator selected, compare to utility rate to ensure savings.
What different metrics in quote phase represent.
Note that quote creation triggers title qualification.
Proposal Phase: Info for homeowner, how to generate
Qualification Phase: Date begins job timeline, view title to ensure correct persons on it. Title qual at quote creation, credit qual sent to HO
Contract Phase: How to view contract, names auto populated from title.
Funding Milestones: Tasks for each milestone, how to view comments/history.
How to select the live project
How to switch from sub-tasks to History: DP comments on tasks
M1: what tasks are required here. What is the timeline, when it auto-cancels.
View Utility bills here, contract details, why would there be a change order, what is welcome checklist.
Installer Payments- basic payment terms
M2: what tasks are required here. What is the timeline, when it auto-cancels.
M3 similar overview.
What a canceled job looks like.
2-Day Job Creation Course Syllabus
Instructor - Rick Dubbs richard.dubbs@goeverbright.com
For roles that want familiarity with the EverBright job creation process, but will not likely help anyone else with creating jobs. Currently offered every-other month.
Day 1
Legacy Customer Types
Different Environments
Logging in
Address Phase
Contact Phase
Usage Phase
Project Phase
EverBright Financial Products
Day 2
Quote Phase
Proposal Phase
Qualification Phase
Contract Phase
Funding Milestones
5-Day Course Syllabus
Instructor - Rick Dubbs richard.dubbs@goeverbright.com
For roles that need familiarity with the EverBright job creation process, because they will likely help others with creating jobs, or they will help with the design/implementation of the systems that will permit others to create jobs. Currently offered every-other month.
Day 1
Legacy Customer Types
Different Environments
Logging in
Dropdown Caret
Organization Settings
Address Phase
Contact Phase
Hands-on Lab
Day 2
Right-Hand Tabs
Usage Phase Settings
Usage Phase
Project Phase Settings
Project Phase
Hands-on Lab
Day 3
EverBright Financing Products
Quote Phase Settings
Quote Phase
Proposal Phase
Hands-on Lab
Day 4
Qualification Phase
Contract Phase
Hands-on Lab
Day 5
Operations Phase
Feature Settings
Configuration Settings
How to Book Courses
All courses are booked by first selecting a date (if more than one is available), and then a time (even if only one is available), then completing the Name & Email blanks. Please remember that while using your EverBright email address is always acceptable, never use a Gmail address (as you will never receive a meeting invite).
For multi-day courses, The Bookings service will send you the 1st day’s meeting invite immediately. The invite for the rest of the meeting days will follow when sent by the instructor.
Please Note: You must change the calendar to the month when the class starts.
To book any/all internal courses, please use this link.