Genability FAQ

Genability FAQ

Utility and rate selection on EverBright's site page is powered by EverBright's integration with Genability. Genability is the leading utility rates engine, capturing all utility rates in the U.S. with every rate component, tariff eligibility rule and rate option. Fifteen thousand updates are made every month to Genability's rate books, keeping them always up-to-date. 

Are the calculations accurate?

Genabilty ensures accurate, up-to-date rate calculations that include the modeling of every rate component, tariff eligibility rules, and rate options. Genability follows every tariff change and updates its database in one business day, accounting for 15,000+ rate updates every month. 

UI without Genability integration

UI with Genability information

Does Genability support NEM 2.0?

Genability supports NEM 2.0, including the interconnection fees and non-bypassable charges to post-solar rates that may be applicable. EverBright also reflects the NEM 2.0 requirement for homeowners who want to go solar to switch to a time of use (TOU) rate.

In applicable locations, the UI will show the post-solar rate switch turned on by default. The dropdown for post-solar rate only shows relevant TOU rates. The image below shows an example for an address in Dublin, CA.

What utility coverage is offered?

With Genability, your account will have coverage for nearly all utilities in the U.S. plus their rate schedules.

How are utility and rate defaults selected?

Whenever you create a site, EverBright will select the most likely utility and rate schedule for that particular location by default. To change the default utility provider, simply click on the dropdown menu below Utility, and choose from the list of available Utility providers for the address. 

Which rates can I select?

Genability covers all U.S. residential utility rates. These rates are available to select in EverBright's UI. The rates available will be based on the selected utility.

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