How can I design a project using HD imagery?

How can I design a project using HD imagery?

Projects in EverBright can be designed using HD imagery on sites that have Google Sunroof data available (for more on Google Sunroof availability, visit the follow help article: https://sighten.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SS/pages/67010564). HD images allow for more accurate design planning and a higher degree of confidence in panel placement. To start taking advantage of Project Sunroof HD imagery, follow the instructions below.


  1. Navigate to the Project Phase of a EverBright project.

    1. As a rule of thumb, check the “Yearly Solar Access” tab that utilizes Sunroof data - if a heat-map image does not populate, Sunroof data is not available at the selected project site. If it does (as shown to the right), HD imagery will be available.

  2. Select the dropdown menu in the top left of the Project Phase image, and select the “Project Sunroof” option.

  3. Note the default “Google Maps” image will change to a HD image of the project site - design an array through Project Sunroof in the same manner as the default imagery.