DFO Disposition Dictionary
Below is a list of the dispositions you will encounter after your call. Select the disposition that best applies to each completed call.
The available dispositions are determined by the skill assigned to the interaction.
Primary Disposition | Secondary Disposition |
Account Management - Homeowner | Account Access Inquiry |
Cancellation of Contract | |
Case Follow-up | |
Credit Reporting: Inquiry | |
Customer Information Update | |
Homeowner Portal Inquiry | |
Returned mail | |
VPP | |
Account Management | Account Access Inquiry |
Cancellation of Contract | |
HIS Inquiries | |
Integration Inquiry | |
Address Phase | Move Pin |
Override Address | |
Update Job Information | |
Authoritative Copy | Authoritative Copy Complete |
Authoritative Copy Decline | |
Authoritative Copy Left Voicemail | |
Authoritative Copy Not Completed | |
Billing/Payments/Collections | Billing Discrepancy |
Collection Fees | |
Payment Modification | |
Complaints | Alleged Fraudulent/Deceitful Act |
Conservatorship | |
Contract Violations | |
Credit Reporting: Dispute | |
Customer Service Concern | |
Missing Contractual Equipment | |
Power of Attorney | |
System Damage - Omnidian Referral | |
Contact Phase | Contact Phase |
General HO Inquiry | Installer Information Request |
Interconnection | |
Job Status | |
MyEverBright Inquiries | |
Production Inquiry | |
System Maintenance Request | |
Tax/Credits | |
Interconnection | Completed NJ Incentive |
Interconnection - Not Found | |
Interconnection Complete | |
Interconnection Declined | |
Legal Review | |
Requested New Link | |
Join EverBright | Referrals |
Non-Actionable | Dead Air |
Do Not Call | |
No Action Necessary | |
No Answer | |
Spam/ Junk | |
Transfer - preferred agent | |
Transfer - reject escalation | |
Voicemail | |
Wrong Number | |
Operations Phase | HCO |
ICO | |
Installer Payments | |
Interconnection | |
Milestone Requirements | |
Monitoring | |
NCCO | |
PTO/M3 | |
System Details | |
Utility Bill | |
Project Phase | Design Desk |
Equipment | |
Production/Tolerance | |
Shade/Solar Access | |
Qualification Phase | Credit |
ID Verification | |
Income Verification | |
Title | |
Title Stipulations | |
Contract Phase | Resend |
Proposal Phase | Proposal Phase |
Quote Phase | Cost Buildup |
Finance Product Rules | |
Rate Escalator | |
Savings | |
System Transfer/UCC Terminations | Addendum – Solar/Foreclosure |
Bankruptcy | |
Credit - Approved | |
Credit - Conditional Approval | |
Credit - Failed | |
Death | |
Divorce | |
Foreclosure | |
Home Sale | |
PPA Buyout Request – < 6 years | |
Refinance | |
Short Sale | |
UCC Termination | |
Usage Phase | Rate Escalator |
Usage | |
Utility | |
WC/DWC | DWC Clarification |
Installer WC Inquiry | |
WC Complete - DWC Fail | |
WC Complete - DWC Refused | |
Welcome Call Fail | |
Welcome Call Request | |
Configuration | Account Updates |
Expired Insurance | |
Installer Configurations | |
New Channel Partner Form Request | |
New Document Form Request | |
New Equipment Form Request | |
Product Rule Requests | |
Utilities | |
Workflow/Milestone Requests | |
Development | Bug |
Datafix | |
Installer Complaints | Mechanics Lien |
Misconduct/Rude Installer | |
Point-of-Sale Misrepresentation | |
Property Damage – Installer | |
PTO Delays | |
Homeowner Communications | Default Letter |