EverBright Financing in Spanish

EverBright Financing in Spanish

We’re pleased to now offer EverBright financing in Spanish (currently only in Texas and California) to allow for easier sales to the substantial and growing Spanish-speaking market!

All organizations doing business in Texas and California have access to sell in Spanish. A Spanish version of EverBright’s standard HIC has been configured to all accounts and will automatically be included in Spanish jobs (note: EverBright will not be configuring installer-specific HICs).

Please make sure that the language used to pitch the solar system to the homeowner (English or Spanish) is also selected in the EverBright platform.


How to select Spanish for your customer

  1. When entering the address for the customer in the Address phase, click on the Job Info link:

  1. This will display more data fields:


  2. Select “Spanish” from the Primary Language drop-down


  1. Continue to create the project as you normally would


Selecting Spanish in the Credit Application

Selecting Spanish in the Address phase will automatically present the Credit Application in Spanish, but if you forget to select Spanish in the Address phase, you can also select it in the Credit Application. Setting it in one place will set it in the other.

Translated Documents

During the agreement signing and project workflow tasks, these documents will be displayed in Spanish:

  • EverBright Financing agreements (all products)

  • HIC agreement (EverBright version will be applied to all organizations)

  • Credit Application

  • Failed DocuSign Homeowner Identity Authentication Message

  • Welcome Call Checklist

  • Homeowner Change Order (PPAs)

  • State-specific solar disclosures (if applicable)

Future Spanish translations are planned for:

  • EverBright’s Proposal

Translating the EverBright Proposal

The EverBright homeowner proposal will not be available in Spanish upon launch, but a Spanish version will be rolled out in the near future. In the meantime, Google’s in-browser translation feature does an excellent job at translating the proposal.

  • We recommend using the Google Chrome browser for the proposal translation, although most browsers offer in-browser translations.

  • The first time you translate a proposal, you will need to edit the settings in your browser to allow for translations.

  • For subsequent proposals, you will be able to easily use the in-browser translation service with a click or two.

Read our article for step-by-step instructions on using the in-browser translation tool in Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge browsers: https://sighten.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SS/pages/1387757581/How+do+I+set+my+web+browser+to+view+proposals+in+Spanish


Credit/Title failure due to accents
There is a limitation with EverBright’s credit and title application vendor (as well as the credit bureaus) that may cause credit/title applications to be blocked: accents in name or address fields cannot be accepted.

  • We have put a validation in place to prevent fields with accents from being submitted.

  • If a customer is unable to proceed with a credit or title application, please check to see if an accented letter is being used.

  • If they do have an accented letter in their name or address, please have them switch the accented letter to the corresponding accent-less letter.

  • With that small change, the credit or title application should process correctly.


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