Docusign Access

Docusign Access

Docusign link: Docusign


  1. Sign into DocuSign.

  2. Click “Settings” from the top bar menu.

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  3. Click “User” from the left side menu.

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  4. Click “Add user” from the menu in the upper right.

  5. Enter the following info.

    1. The employee’s email in the first section

    2. The employee’s full name is in the next section (only need to enter the full name, no other info is needed)

    3. The one-time passcode is “Everbright” - you will have to give them this code and tell the employee that this is a one-time code only needed when making their initial password.

    4. Their permission profile will be “DS Sender” and you do not need to add them to a team.

  6. Once that invite is sent, navigate back to users and find the user ‘EverBright Financing.’

    1. The invitation link will expire after 24 hours.

  7. Click the “Actions” button on the right-hand side of their row.

  8. Click “Manage Shared Access”

  9. Click “Share User’s Envelopes” from the beige banner area.

  10. Click “Add User” in the upper right.

  11. Search for the newly added employee in the search bar

  12. Click the box next to their name to add them to the list to add.

  13. Click “Assign” in the lower left.


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