How to Find an Archived Failed DWC on Engine

How to Find an Archived Failed DWC on Engine

Objective: To guide how to locate an archived failed digital welcome checklist.


If a homeowner calls because they failed the digital welcome checklist, the agent needs to provide clarification on the question(s) that the homeowner failed. However, the agent is unable to locate the checklist in Engine.

You must have a JSSON extension to be able to proceed.

You must be logged within Engine as an Everbright admin before starting this process







Log into Engine.

  • Click on the ‘Operations’ phase, then click on M1. 

  • Select the ‘Welcome Call Checklist’ task.





Select the ‘History’ tab, to confirm if the DWC was archived.  





Once it is confirmed that the checklist has been archived, right-click on your screen, and click ‘Inspect’.




Click on the ‘Network’ tab and refresh the page.




Once you refresh the page you will notice a column that says ‘Name’. Under this column, you will scroll to the bottom and select the last row that says ‘Sub_task’.




Click on the ‘Headers’ tab.


  • Click the dropdown on ‘General”.

  • Copy the Task ID next to the ‘Request URL’.





Once you have copied the task ID.

  • Open the following link in a new tab.

https://engine.goeverbright.com/api/data/task/(INPUT TASK ID HERE)?metrics=document_name,document_id


  • Replace the “INPUT TASK ID HERE” with the task ID and click Enter.





Once you click Enter a new window will pop up

  • Copy and save the “Document ID.”



  • Open the following link:

https://engine.goeverbright.com/api/v1/document/ (INPUT DOCUMENT ID HERE)/preview/ 


  • Replace the “INPUT DOCUMENT ID HERE” with the Document ID and click Enter.



The browser will pop up a new window with the archived welcome checklist.

  • Collect the checklist questions from this window.





Proceed to make an outbound call to the customer.


If the customer answers


If the customer does not answer

  • Create a commitment in CXone following this SOP

  • In the disposition notes section, list:

    • The customer’s name

    • Job link

    • Summary of the call including a list the failed questions


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