Working a Case in Salesforce

Working a Case in Salesforce


Cases will be managed by the person assigned to the case (usually a back-office team member).


Frontline agents will create cases and assign them to a back-office queue. Back-office team members will be required to self-assign and work cases from the queue.



Self-assigning cases





From the service console, click the drop-down menu and select cases




Select Back Office Task Queue Homeowner OR Installer




A list of open, unassigned cases will populate. The list can be sorted by any column clicking on the column.

Cases should be worked from oldest to newest unless marked high priority.



Open the case by clicking on the case number link



Modify the case owner by clicking on the people icon



Cases can be assigned to a user or a queue by hovering over the drop-down next to the search field



Populate the user field with your name and click the change owner button



The case is now assigned to you and will be populated in your Salesforce dashboard. See Accessing Support Dashboards in Salesforce



Case Statuses






The case was created but has no associated case assignment with it. This case needs to be actioned by the back-office team.

In Progress - Awaiting Customer Support

The case needs to be actioned by Support. This status is updated when a case assignment from a boundary team is closed.

In Progress - Awaiting Customer Response

The back-office agent assigned to the case will use this status when they are waiting for a reply from a customer to be able to move forward with a case.

In Progress - Internal Referral

The case has been created and a case assignment has been created and assigned to a boundary team. This case is awaiting an action from the boundary team. These cases should be monitored for resolution.


The case has been closed. A case can only be closed once all associated case assignments have been closed. If a case is closed, it can only be reopened once within 6 hours of closing. After that, a new case will need to be created.

Internal communications regarding a case





All internal communications regarding a case will be completed by posting a comment in the Chatter/Feed section of the Case.





Make sure you are on the case tab and not the account tab




  • Navigate to the Feed and select the Post tab.

  • If a specific person needs to be notified, use the @ symbol plus their name in the post.

  • Leave the comment and click Share




The bell icon will indicate new notifications. Comments left on a feed will NOT change the status of a case in a dashboard.





Once all case assignments are completed and closed, the Case status will be updated to ‘In Progress - Awaiting Customer Support’




Once all of the work is complete for a case, the case can be closed.



  • Update the case status to Closed

  • Select the Closed Reason from the drop-down menu

  • Enter case closure notes

    • Be specific - notes should contain the outcome of the case and any decisions that were made.

  • Click Save



The closed case will display the date and time closed as well as the case age.



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