How To Find a Qualification From Site UUID

How To Find a Qualification From Site UUID

When to use:

If you need to collect the Qualification UUID based on the Site UUID.  This will often come in the form of a partner request with a list of Site UUIDs.


Have the Site UUID(s).


  1. If you have a large number of Site UUIDs, put them into the proper format.
    1. The easiest way to do this is to open an Excel document, list all the Site UUIDs in a single column (A), then in column B enter the following formula: 
      ="'"&A1&"', "
    2. Fill formula down
  2. Open PGAdmin
  3. Enter the below query:

    select oq.uuid as qualification_uuid, sss.uuid as solar_site_uuid
    from ops_qualification oq
    inner join system_solarsite sss on sss.id = oq.solarsite_id
    and sss.uuid in ('Site uuid1','Site uuid2','Site uuid3)
    WHERE NOT oq.status = ‘cancel’

    It can also be found here.

  4. Replace the UUID placeholders with the results in column B (or with a small handful of UUIDs if step 1 was not necessary)