How to Erase/Delete All Personal Data/Information
This procedure is appropriate for Support Agents.
This is the procedure to follow if a request comes in to delete all of the user’s or client’s personally identifiable information. Please understand that deletion of an individual’s record is not possible. What we can do is modify the current data record so that no personal information remains.
A client is an individual who has a sales, or potential sales, relationship with a customer organization. Their personal information can only be removed if they have never signed a contract with the organization. While a client’s address is not personal information, it may be the best way to find a client’s record.
Find the client’s job
Change the client’s name, email, and phone number, in the Contact Phase, as shown below.
Click Edit
In the “First“ text box enter “Chris“
In the “Last“ text box enter “Client“
In the “Email“ text box enter ““
In the “Phone“ text box enter “415-555-1234“
Click Save
Make an internal note on the ticket that the client’s information was changed according to the procedure in effect on the current revision date of this article.
If it is ever necessary to restore a client’s information, follow the steps above, putting the correct information into the client’s record (and note that change in the ticket).
A user is an employee, or former employee, of a customer’s organization. If it ever becomes necessary to restore a user’s information, the old record can be found by searching for the modified email address.
Log into the user’s organization
On the Users tab of the Organization Settings, click on the user.
Click Edit
In the “First“ text box enter “Chris“
In the “Last“ text box enter “User“
In the “Email“ text box add “.sighten“ to the end of the current email address
In the “Phone Number“ text box enter “415-555-1234“
You may leave the Employee ID alone (if present)
Uncheck the Active box (if checked)
Click Save
Make an internal note on the ticket that the user’s information was changed according to the procedure in effect on the current revision date of this article.
If it is ever necessary to restore a user’s information, follow the steps above, putting the correct information into the user’s record.