How to handle an inquiry about API authentication token

How to handle an inquiry about API authentication token

When to Use:

A customer has inquired about how to access API or what their API authentication token is.


An API authentication token is the equivalent of logging in to the Sighten platform for users that wish to access Sighen through API rather than through the normal user interface.  Users that access the API will have equivalent permissions as the user whose authentication token they use (e.g. a user with only sales rep level permissions will still only be able to view or modify their own jobs through API).  Note that not all organizations have API permissions, and the first step is to determine if the user is in an org with API.


  1. Determine if the org has API permissions
    1. Confirm which org the user is in through Data Explorer
    2. Confirm the subscription level of that org on the Dashboard
      1. Basic and Premium = confirm with Account Manager
        1. If no API, inform customer that their org does not currently have the API subscription
      2. Pro and above = API access
  2. Confirm API token (requires PGAdmin or other SQL access, if you don't have this, you will need to ask a colleague to perform this step)
    1. Open PGAdmin, use the following query: 

      select uat.token, ucu.email
      from user_authtoken uat
      join user_customuser ucu on ucu.id = uat.user_id
      where ucu.email = 'email'
    2. Copy authentication token
  3. Transmit authentication token safely:
    1. Open a Word document
    2. Paste authentication token into document
    3. Go to File → Protect Document → Encrypt with Password
    4. Select a password
    5. Save document
    6. Send document to customer in one email and password in a separate email