NEM 3.0 in California

NEM 3.0 in California


On December 15, 2022, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) approved updates to the state’s customer-owned solar energy generation program.

Links to information on NEM:


What is net energy metering (NEM), and what is NEM 3.0?  

  • Net energy metering (NEM) is a billing structure designed to provide incentives to utility customers who produce their own solar energy. These customers earn bill credits for the excess solar energy they produce and send to the grid.  

  • NEM 3.0 is California’s transition from traditional net metering rates to a net billing structure (NBT). 

Why is this important?

  • Under the previous NEM 2.0 policy, export credits were a one-to-one offset, so the price of a kWh of electricity produced from solar was equal to the price per kWh pulled from the grid. 

  • Under NEM 3.0, the value of excess electricity that solar customers send to the grid is expected to drop considerably, which will likely extend the average payback period of a grid-tied-only residential system in California.  

    • California’s three investor-owned utility companies (PG&E, SCE, and SDG&E) will offer their own rate plans under NEM 3.0, with increased monthly fixed charges and reduced payments for excess solar energy

How can customers still save money by going solar?

Information Table


NEM 2.0

NBT (NEM 3.0)

Completed Interconnection Date

 through April 14, 2023

April 15, 2023

Completed Installation requirement

3 years


Billing and true-up period

Annual billing, annual true-up (both charges and credits roll over for 12 months)

Monthly billing (pay monthly); annual true-up (credits roll over for 12 months)

Installation size limit

Customer’s annual electric load with limited exceptions

Up to 150% - with attested need