Phone Greeting

Phone Greeting

Objective: To provide the support team with a standard greeting when answering a call. The goal is to create an effortless and delightful customer experience for every caller and verify the caller.

When answering a call, all agents should use the following greeting:

When answering the call.


Thank you for contacting EverBright, your solar financier. This is (Agent Name), how may I assist you today?


Gracias por contactar a EverBright, su financiador solar. Mi nombre es (Nombre del agente), ¿en qué puedo ayudarle hoy?

Allow the customer to state the reason for their call.

Homeowner Script






  • Verify the caller.


To better assist you, may I have the name on file and the property address?


Para ayudarle mejor, ¿Me podria, por favor, brindar el nombre registrado y la direccion de la propiedad?


  • Pull up the customer’s account in Engine.

    • Verify the phone number.


Thank you for that information. To verify the account, may I have the phone number on file?


Gracias por la información. Para verificar la cuenta, ¿Me podria brindar el numero de telefono registrado?

  • ONLY if the homeowner states that the phone number is incorrect, they must verify the email address on file.


May I please have the email address on file?


¿Me podria, porfavor brindar la direccion de correo electronico registrada?

Important: The correct phone number or email address is needed to move proceed with the call. If the homeowner passes the verification:




  • If the homeowner passes verification.


Thank you for verifying that information, I will gladly assist you today.


Gracias por verificar la información, estaré encantado de ayudarle hoy.

  • If the homeowner DOES NOT pass the verification because they were unable to provide the correct information.


Thank you. However, we were unable to verify the information on file. To protect the privacy of our customers, we kindly request that you send us an email from the email on file to better assist you. 


Gracias. Sin embargo No pudimos verificar la información en sistema. Con el fin de proteger la privacidad de nuestros clientes, le solicitamos amablemente que nos envíe un correo electrónico desde el correo electrónico registrado para ayudarlo mejor

  • If the homeowner becomes upset or insists that the information, they provided is correct, you may ask for the contract ID.


May I have your contract ID number?


¿Me podria, por favor, brindar su número de identificación de contrato?

  • If the homeowner successfully verifies the contract ID number.

    • Update the homeowner’s information.

Proceed with the call.

  • If the homeowner CANNOT verify the contract ID number.

They must send their request in an email from the email on file.

Installer/Sales Rep Script






  • Verify the caller.

To better assist you, may I have your name and the email address you use to log into Engine?




  • If the installer/sales rep is calling regarding a homeowner.

Verify the homeowner they are calling about.

  • Pull up the customer’s account in Engine.

May I have the customer’s name and the property address on file?

  • If the installer successfully verifies the homeowner’s information.

Proceed with the call.

Thank you for verifying that information, I will gladly assist you today.

  • If the agent is unable to locate the homeowner in Engine.

Look up the homeowner in PowerBi under the Homeowner Dashboard to see if they are a Beam customer.

  • Can be found under ‘Beam Data’.




If the agent cannot locate them in the Beam Data, look up the customer in the ‘EB Data’.




  • Once you locate the customer click on the link under ‘Operations URL’ or copy and paste the link into Engine.





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