Processing SolKraft/HeartBeat New Partner Requests

Processing SolKraft/HeartBeat New Partner Requests

Requests to enable Neiram/HeartBeat products and partners will come directly to Support and can be completed by the support team!  Below are the steps. 

1. Onboarding form will be sent directly to Support

  • The email is generated after SolKraft fills out a Typeform. 

  • Add account manager as a watcher

 2.  Make a CS ticket using “Needs Configuration” field drop-down

  • Select “Integrated Financing” from the Needs Configuration field in the SS ticket, then navigate to the CS ticket and select:

  • Once you create the automated CS ticket by selecting “Integrated financing” - an automated initial response will be sent to the customer

4. Account is configured (by config team)

  • Configure the product in the account according to the instructions here

5. Once CS ticket is completed, Jira automation will:

  • Send the customer an email providing info on how to use the product and how to set up training

  • Create a KNOW ticket, assigned to Tucker, to send a training email through hubspot to active users in the organization

6. Close the SS ticket after 24 hours