Installer or Homeowner Request to Join Everbright

Installer or Homeowner Request to Join Everbright

Background: Homeowners and installers can submit an inquiry via goeverbright.com or myeverbright.com. These inquiries flow through HubSpot and land in the appropriate Support queue: Installer or Homeowner. The following SOP shows how to handle these inquiries.

Table of Content:

Always read the request in its entirety to determine which action to take.

INSTALLER inquiries about joining EverBright:






  • Everbright no longer offers subscriptions to the platform

In order to gain access to the platform they would need to partner with EverBright


  • Email the Link to the to the online partner form and have the Installer apply via the website




NOTE: The link above should redirect the Installer directly to the form section on the website.

  • If it Doesn’t, advise the customer to scroll halfway down the page to find the form



  • If they have not applied, send Installer Information through the following link




  • If the installer has completed the online partner form:

  • Check Salesforce to see if the installer has been auto denied.

    • If the installer has been auto denied, reply:


Thank you for contacting Everbright Support.

In accordance with our guidelines, we are unable to disclose our underwriting criteria to maintain the integrity of our evaluation process. However we encourage you to consider reapplying after six months.




  • If the installer has NOT been auto denied:



  • If it is an ACTIVE installer:

  • The installer should be referred to their account manager or their org admin ONLY.

HOMEOWNER inquiries about joining Everbright









If the state is serviced by Everbright and is owned, then:

  • Reply to the customer with the following message:


Hi [customer name],

Thank you for your interest in EverBright and congratulations on taking the next step toward decarbonization. We are not currently providing installer recommendations, but we hope to do so in the near future. Please research installers in your area. We look forward to helping you make the successful transition to solar energy. Stay sunny,

[Agent Name]


  • If an email, reply and close email.






If the state is serviced by Everbright but the property is a rental

  • Reply to the customer with the following message:


“Hello [Customer Name],

Thank you for your interest in EverBright. I see that you listed your home as “Rent”. At this time, we do not service rental properties. We are excited to hear of your interest in EverBright and we hope to be able to serve you soon. Stay sunny,

[Agent Name]


  • If an email, reply and close email.







If the state is NOT serviced by EverBright, then:




  • Reply to the customer with the following message:


“Hi [customer name],

Thank you for your interest in EverBright and congratulations on taking the next step toward decarbonization. Unfortunately, we do not currently have financing options available in your area, but hope to in the near future. We look forward to helping you make the successful transition to solar energy.Stay sunny,

[Agent Name]

  • If an email, reply and close email.


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