MyEverbright Account Setup & Two Factor Authentication (2FA)

MyEverbright Account Setup & Two Factor Authentication (2FA)

Background: Support agents might receive frequent questions and challenges reported by homeowners during the MyEverbright account setup process. This article will guide you on how to handle these types of inquiries

Table of Content:

Steps for Account Setup:






  • Homeowner will contact you about setting up their account



  • Explain to the customer that after signing the agreement, they should have received an email with a link to register for their MyEverbright Account



If they Cannot find the Email:

  • Instruct them to check their spam or junk folder

  • If still not found; confirm their email address matches the one registered with the agreement

    • If needed; guide them to update their email address with MyEverBright

If the email is Found:

Go to Step 3



  • The Email link will take them to register via the web app, or prompt them to download the MyEverbright mobile app from the Google Play Store (Android) or Apple App Store (IOS)

  • Once the Homeowner accesses the app or web portal:

  1. Ask them to tap under “Set up your Account

    1. Then enter their Email address

Tell them they will receive a 2FA code at that Email Address




  1. Guide them through entering the Two Factor Authentication (2FA) code by explaining that they will see a screen asking for a code and to please check their email and enter the code within 10 minutes

  • If they didn’t receive the code:

    • Tap “Didn’t Receive a Code?” and click “Resend” to request a new one



If they request the code more than 5 times in 10 minutes they will need to wait 10 minutes before trying again




  • After successfully verigying their 2FA Code, provide the following instructions:




Reporting Homeowner Issues:

If after following the previous steps the homeowner continues to experience issues, follow these steps:






  • Gather the following details from the Homeowner:

  • Customer Name

  • Email Address

  • Platform Used (Web App or Mobile App)

  • Device Details (For Mobile App)



  • Go to Slack and locate the Channel named as (#Homeowner-Support) and include the following template based on the information collected above:


  • Create a Case in SalesForce and assign to the Back Office Team

    • Then Stop


(For Back Office Only)


  • Once the slack issue has been solved:

  • Email the Homeowner providing details on the resolution

    • Then Close the Case and Stop

How to Guide a User to Find App Version:






  • Open the MyEverbright app


  • Tap the “Person Icon” in the upper right corner to navigate to “My Account”


  • Locate the app version listed below the logout button (e.g. “App Version 12.15”)

2FA Code sent to wrong page when using Email App Browser:

Support might get questions from customers about problems with the 2FA code






  • Explain to the customer that this is happening because some Email Apps open links in their internal browser



  • To fix this; Open the Email from the Email App (e.g Gmail) and click on the link



  • Look for the option to open in the direct browser (Usually at the top or bottom of the screen)

    • This may appear as a small pop-up or an icon (Three dots or the browser logo)




  • It will ask you to open in the selected browser (e.g: Open in Safari)



  • Once in Chrome, they can proceed with the 2FA process without losing their place



  • Once the homeowner has followed the steps, confirm they can now complete the 2FA process

    • If they are still having trouble, ask them to double-check that they are opening the link in their default browser



  • Finally; Simply Remind to the homeowner that for the best experience, please always open these links from emails in their direct browser, not within their email app’s internal browser.

    • This will help them avoid any issues with the 2 Factor Authentication Process












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