Credit Reporting

Credit Reporting

Background: A contract holder, homeowner, or an authorized person on behalf of the contract holder may contact support through a phone call, chat, or email regarding the following credit reporting inquires/disputes:

  • Credit questions

  • Payment issues or disputes

  • Contract fraud

  • Identity theft

  • Home transfers

  • Workout plans

Process Overview






  • What/who is the inquiry/concern/dispute?




  • Credit questions

  • Payment issues or disputes

  • Contract holder

  • Homeowner

  • Authorized person on behalf of the contract holder

  1. Follow SOP for Transferring calls to Account Servicing

  • Account Servicing

  1. Gather customer information:

    1. Name

    2. Property address

    3. Contract #

    4. Concern/Dispute

  2. Send email to Account Servicing at clientservices@launchservicing.com and Stop

  • Contract fraud

  • Identity theft

  • Home transfers

  • Workout plans

  • Contract holder

  • Homeowner

  • Authorized person on behalf of the contract holder

  1. Gather customer information:

    1. Name

    2. Property address

    3. Contract #

    4. Allegation

    5. How to contact

    6. Date of credit hit

    7. Only if from Launch agent: Zendesk ticket #

  2. Proceed to Step 2

  • Account Servicing


  • Complete the following steps under ‘Customer Support Agent Process’ and proceed to Step 3



  1. Create a case in Salesforce

  1. Customer Support Agent will monitor case and close once case assignment to Legal/Compliance is completed [SLA for completion: ~2 weeks]

  1. Create a case assignment to Legal/Compliance with the gathered information from above

Compliance’s SLA for completion of case assignment will be approximately ~2 weeks. If no update after ~2 weeks, follow up with Compliance by sending an internal note in the feed. OK to close the case once Compliance has resolved.

Reference SOP: Working a Case in Salesforce

  1. Compliance performs investigation with SLA for completion: ~2 weeks

  2. Compliance will document resolution in Salesforce

  3. Compliance will email Account Servicing with outcome (referencing original Zendesk ticket # if from Account Servicing.)

  1. Send email to Account Servicing at clientservices@launchservicing.com regarding customer’s concern/dispute

  1. Account Servicing will reach email from Compliance with outcome

  2. Account Servicing will document and take corrective action accordingly

  3. Account Servicing will respond to customer within 30 days of original intake

  4. Account Servicing will inform EverBright about completed actions in monthly report



  • Was the customer’s concern(s)/dispute(s) addressed?

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