When and How to Escalate Matters to Compliance
Handled By: Resolution Specialists
Background: There may be instances where a homeowner’s concern requires escalation to EverBright’s Compliance team.
If you need to follow up on a Case Assignment that is being handled by the Compliance department, you can tag the following people in the chatter for a quick response:
Elizabeth McGinley & Ayoub Ziani
If there’s still no reply within 48 hours tag @Cassandra Mercado to follow up with them
Process Overview
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Important: When communicating with the homeowner, simply share in their frustration without apologizing or accepting/deferring any blame and explain we will attempt to investigate their concern. |
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Qualifiers for Compliance’s Involvement
Important: A compliance issue is any violation or failure to adhere to laws, regulations, policies, or ethical standards that govern an organization's operations. The above list is not all-inclusive; if there is doubt on whether or not a matter requires Compliance’s involvement, please seek validation from a Resolution Lead |
Preliminary Research for a Compliance Case