Errors and Blocks

Errors and Blocks

The following are common reasons and resolution that an EB contract might be blocked. The error message typically provides enough detail to diagnose the issue.

Table of contents:

Sales Rep Signer HIS License Number is Missing

  • Required information, Sales Rep Signer HIS License Number, is missing.

    • Please make sure the Sales Rep Signer enters their HIS license number on their User Profile.

Reason: the sales rep user profile within the platform does not have the HIS license number listed. The rep that created the quote is typically the one that needs to input the HIS but this can be changed in org settings.

  1. engine.goeverbright.com/api/data/quote/{quote_uuid}?metrics= : This will allow you to find the Data Access Layer for the quote desired. (put in browser)

  2.  2. [signer_type]_signer_full_name_[order] -> salesrep_signer_full_name_1 : DAL (This is what you look for to find the data for who needs to have HIS. This will be in the DAL


Sales Rep Signer Name/HIS License Number is Rejected

Example ticket: https://goeverbright.atlassian.net/browse/SS-67594

On the agreement, the salesperson’s HIS number and/or name is not found.

  • Reason: The HIS license and/or name was entered incorrectly or does not match what is on file with the salesperson’s state Labor Department.

  • Solution:

Legal Contact Signer Change is True

Example ticket: https://sighten.atlassian.net/browse/SS-46350

"Document generation blocked!

 Please update the job to pass rules or issue a change order to continue. Legal Contact Signer Change is True. Please change its value in the QUALIFICATION Phase to one of the eligible values to quote this product.

 See Eligible Values



 Reason: this is expected behavior if the legal contacts on a job changed. Contracts pull their information from the qualification phase. If the names aren't the correct legal names for running credit for the homeowner, we'd need to void and re-send (if not signed) or potentially have the customer do a change order to update the names (if already signed).

*Contact phase is not what we are pulling against.

*All related to product rules. Certain documents must be eligible for certain documents to generate. Contact phase is not where names are pulled into the contract. In qual phase, that is where documents are pulling the names.

*Everyone on credit must be on contract.


Error DOC-008: Cannot Generate Re-Sign

From <EverBright >

 Error DOC-008: Cannot Generate Re-Sign

Re-Sign actions are currently blocked as a result of the following reasons: 

  • The product used is no longer eligible. Please check the eligibility drawer or quote phase to resolve.

 If you believe you have received this message in error, please contact Everbright support at support@goeverbright.com. (E061RU60FK)

 Reason: A product used in the project is no longer eligible.

 Solution: user would need to go into the Project phase, then review the bell icon and look at the eligible equipment.


Error DOC-029: Could not find a valid Contract Signer

Error DOC-029: Could not find a valid Contract Signer
There are no valid sales representative signers for this contract.
If you believe you have received this message in error, please contact Everbright support at support@goeverbright.com. (N6NA6DKZ4B)

Solution: Please ensure that they have users with ops phase permission. Check this in org settings.

*Should be resolved


Error DOC-008: Cannot Generate Re-Sign

Error DOC-008: Cannot Generate Re-Sign

 Re-Sign actions are currently blocked as a result of the following reasons:

  • The credit qualification result is not approved for product Everbright EverOwn.

  • The title application has not been submitted for product Everbright EverOwn.

 If you believe you have received this message in error, please contact Everbright support at support@goeverbright.com. (BIGBBXOX80)

 *Right now, when you initiate credit, this is a joint title and credit app. Pull credit first, if fails then title doesn’t get submitted.

 Solution: Check qual phase to see what happened. This is probably a resolved, cancelled and re-run credit situation.


Error DOC-029: Could not find a valid Contract Signer

Error DOC-029: Could not find a valid Contract Signer
There are no authorized contractor signers for this contract.
If you believe you have received this message in error, please contact Everbright support at support@goeverbright.com. (06IN0PCL6A)


Per Zach - We require an authorized signer for the contractor signers on Everbright contracts. The authorized signer must be in the installer organization.


EX. The job is assigned to a user in NAVC LLC (a sales org) and the installer is Infinity. So, the only signers can be authorized signers in the Infinity Energy org.

*Authorized signer will always come from product install org.

*Check in org settings, Contract phase, Authorized signers.


Error DOC-008: Cannot Generate Re-Sign

Error DOC-008: Cannot Generate Re-Sign

Re-Sign actions are currently blocked as a result of the following reasons:

  • The product used is no longer eligible. Please check the eligibility drawer or quote phase to resolve.

 If you believe you have received this message in error, please contact Everbright support at support@goeverbright.com. (TF6ZWFDY3J)


Error DOC-008: Cannot Generate Re-Sign

Error DOC-008: Cannot Generate Re-Sign

Re-Sign actions are currently blocked as a result of the following reasons:

  • Missing Metric: Sales Rep Signer HIS License Number

 If you believe you have received this message in error, please contact Everbright support at support@goeverbright.com. (Z5UKUF45MH)


Error DFT-001: An error occurred!

Error DFT-001: An error occurred!

 If you believe you have received this message in error, please contact Everbright support at support@goeverbright.com. (YI8RMM0T0G)

 *This is a catch all error. Go to Sentry and locate from there to see what happened.


Average Monthly Consumer Savings is $0.

Installer Change Order (ICO) Blocked!

 Document generation blocked! Please update the job to pass rules or issue a change order to continue.

 Average Monthly Consumer Savings is $0. Please increase its value so that it is within the eligible range of $0 - $999,999 to quote this product.


 Reason: From Zach --> The update to the project has resulted in the average monthly savings for the homeowner not being positive. The savings for the homeowner are required to be positive.

 From Robert --> It seems that the system design is slightly less productive than when it was first signed. The productivity went from 1,443 kWh/kW to 1,442 kWh/kW. Also, the rearrangement of the panels caused production to go down throwing the savings rule off. You may revert to the live project design. This would make the previously signed design the live project. Doing this would put the project in a savings tolerance. Please let us know if we were able to shed some light on the matter. If so, do we have your approval to close the ticket?




Alternatively: The Solar Rate (Rate Per kWh) can be reduced little by little until the Average Monthly Consumer Savings message goes away.

 Solution: Adjust project or create new project so that the customer is saving. Advise training w/ Rick or AM or advise how to use design desk proposal.


Error OPS-102: A payment to the equipment distributor is required.

Error OPS-102: A payment to the equipment distributor is required.

 A payment to the equipment distributor (always CED) must be made in order to finalize the approval of this milestone.

This is waiting for the payment to be made. Resolution is to wait for the invoice to be sent. Kickback Milestone while waiting.


The credit amount approved is smaller than the total amount financed for the quote.

  • The credit amount approved is smaller than the total amount financed for the quote

 Example: The error you are experiencing is because the amount of financed of $76,052 (Quote 3) is higher than what the owner approved 75,000.

 From <https://chat.olark.com/#/?_k=60rccy >

 Solution: The system size must be reduced slightly. *You can check in qual phase to see what they are approved for.

 From <https://chat.olark.com/#/?_k=60rccy >


Failed product rule: Monthly Min Saving during invalidation.

Signed quote, something was changed upstream. When this happened, the quote tried to go through invalidation, and it changed the values.

 Once a contract has been signed, the product will not resolve.


Installer Change Order (ICO) Blocked!


FS, JEANNETTE KENEDY, 2378 E Richmond Ave Fresno CA 93720 - Everbright EverFlex

 *Production tolerance is wrong. Project was changed after resigning and that brought it out of spec.

 *HCO must be sent out and signed before generating an ICO.

 Design standards are in Everbright training within the platform.


DocuSign Authentication Failed

Fwd: Green House Solar and Air


 Wrong username or password. There is a document with instructions for setting up this account. There is an SOP for this.


The credit amount approved is smaller…

Blocked Contract

You are blocked from generating this contract due to the product qualification status:

  • The credit amount approved is smaller than the total amount financed for the quote.

 From <EverBright >


Solution: In Qualification the applicant was above a set amount financed. This occurs when the financed amount is higher that the approved amount. The installer needs to reduce the system size/reduce cost. Therefore, it would reduce the financed amount.


Ineligible Solver Inputs

Ineligible Solver Inputs

Average Monthly Consumer Savings is $-73. Please increase its value so that it is within the eligible range of $0 - $999,999 to quote this product.

 From <EverBright >


PPA requires positive monthly savings in year 1. This H/O is not saving money, so the error occurs. Not applicable to RICs.


Error 404: Not Found

Error 404: Not Found

The requested page can't be found:


Not found.


Blocked Contract

Blocked Contract

You are blocked from continuing with this contract due to the following product attributes: 

  • Only one contract can be active per job for this financier. Please proceed to Ops to complete a re-sign if you'd like to continue with the same product or cancel the active workflow to change products.

 From <EverBright >


One active workflow per site. Must cancel one before you can continue with another.


Error CON-005 (Cannot Save contact)

EverBright blocks emails from certain domains known to be invalid.

  • If a user enters an invalid email, an error message will appear, as shown below

  • Clear instructions alert the user to which email is causing the error and provides guidance.

  • Note: Null values are ok in the contact phase; installers may leave it blank until the qualification phase, however we recommend correct and complete contact information is entered from the start


Error QUAL-026: An Error occurred!

EverBright also blocks emails that are found in our backend, elsewhere in the platform

  • A non-specific error will appear, as shown below.

  • These errors indicate that the email associated with a user in our platform

  • Users should be instructed to use an email unique to the applicant and the job

Spinning Send E-Sign

Issue: Potential metrics error. Open console and check network tab to see what request is taking so long.


Error PRD-003: An error occurred!

Error PRD-003: An error occurred!

The product is configured incorrectly. Please reach out to support@goeverbright.com with the message code below for assistance. (HEJH6XXZVY)

Resolution: Lookup table configuration. Check Sentry and find the event. It will show what is being sent to the solver and it will explain what it is trying to return/why it can't return.


DOC-044: Failed to generate document.

Failed to generate document.
DOC-044 - There was an error generating the document. Active pricing does not match signed values. You cannot complete a no cost change order for this quote. You may wish to revert changes to the project or complete a full re-sign.

Resolution: NCCO can only be done when there is no price change. They can revert or sign HCO.


No applicable quotes

Answer: They need to requote the original quote using expired pricing.  That is the only way to retain the RIC 1.0 terms.

 From <https://app.slack.com/client/T03JYF5TW/search/search-eyJkIjoiTm8lMjBhcHBsaWNhYmxlJTIwcXVvdGVzIiwicSI6IlUwMlVQMDJRRUxWIiwiciI6Ik5vJTIwYXBwbGljYWJsZSUyMHF1b3RlcyJ9/thread/CAVT2R4GJ-1678469566.345879>


Invalid stub payment(s)

Error PRD-003: An error occurred! The product is configured incorrectly. Invalid stub payment(s): [stub_payment_ach_optout_penalty_usd] Please reach out to support@goeverbright.com with the message code below for assistance. (UF144NW42E)

Solution: I re-ran a quote with a slightly different PPW which caused the error to go away. There is a threshold for how close stub payments need to be compared to the monthly payment. When a quote is solved, if the stub payments are outside the threshold compared to the monthly payments this error will occur. The stub payment is the final payment. This gets triggered more in HI. The range is much higher, check config settings. HI state tax credit causes issues.


“Whoops!” error message

Error message: “Whoops! an internal error prevented submission at this time”.

The sales rep/installer is trying to run credit for the applicant(s) and receives a “whoops” error message. The SSN they are using is invalid. EverBright does not show a more explicit error because we do not want to coach the installer on how to get around our validation rules.


Resolution: The SSN is an optional field, the rep/installer can either correct the SSN or omit the SSN.

The agent does NOT need to create an APP ticket for the “whoops!” errors.





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