Missing or out of date insurance info

Missing or out of date insurance info

Details: User will receive an error of a contract that is being blocked from generating due to the insurance information is missing or out of date. This may be due to invalid date range or the validity dates of the license are incorrect.

  1. User will receive an error of a Blocked Contract due to the insurance information is missing or out of date or one or more of insurance policies is not valid and missing (see screenshot)

  2. Within the platform check the insurance validity by doing the following:

    1. Log into EverBright

    2. Log In As <organization name> & User <EverBright Admin>

    3. Click on the Settings gear at the top right corner

    4. Left side menu, click on Organization Settings

    5. Under the My Organization tab you will see insurance information:


  3. Once you verified that the insurance is Create a support ticket if one is not already created.

  4. From the support ticket (SS-XXXXX), select Task from Needs Configuration to trigger the CS ticket.

  5. From the config ticket (CS-XXXXX), select Epic Link as EverBright Configurations

Note: You may refer to https://sighten.atlassian.net/browse/SS-30273 and https://sighten.atlassian.net/browse/CS-14658 for details.