Granting Phase Visibility to a Channel Partner

Granting Phase Visibility to a Channel Partner

Channel Managers are only authorized to grant phase visibility to a downstream partner if they are exclusive. If the partnership is non-exclusive EverBright can only process a request from an Org Admin of the downstream partner. For information on exclusivity, refer to https://sighten.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SS/pages/2698543149

Log in as the Upstream partner and navigate to the Organization Settings. From there, select the Partnerships tab and search for the downstream partner:

In this example, PAC Energy is a non-exclusive downstream partner of the Org. If the channel manager is requesting to grant access to the Ops phase (for example) for a member of the PAC Energy team, they would need to contact PAC Energy’s Org Admin for approval. This is located under the Teams Tab in the channel manager’s Organization Settings:

In order to confirm that a team member (or team) does not have access to a specific phase, log in to the downstream Org and navigate to the teams' section. In the example below, the team selected does not have access to the Operations phase. The Org Admin is Robert Casale. They are the only person who can authorize adding team members to a phase or turn on visibility for a team or team member:

Support can turn on phase visibility for a team or specific users if the request is submitted by an Org Admin from the Org or an Org Admin from an EXCLUSIVE upstream channel partner. The Org Admin can also do this themselves in the platform.

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