How to Generate a Schedule

How to Generate a Schedule

Steps on how to generate a schedule in Workforce Management (WFM).

  • Open the WFM Application

  • Under Scheduling click the Generate Schedule button (1) and the Generate New Schedules blue button (2).




  • Under Forecast, there is a drop-down, select the forecast you would like to use (1). If you have agents in a rotation, check the Advance rotation box (2). Select the date you would like the schedule to start on (3). Select how many weeks of a schedule you would like to generate (4). Select the scheduling units you would like to generate a schedule for (5). Click 'Generate' (6).




  • Automatic Schedule Generator area will show you the status of the schedule you generated. Status will show you if the schedule failed or succeeded (1). If status failed, you can view the errors (2). If errors, read errors and correct them, then regenerate schedule for that scheduling unit.



  • Under WFM click ‘Schedule Manager’ (1). Select to view the schedule by day/week (2). Select the date of the schedule you generated (3). Filter the scheduling units you would like to see (4). Update staffing threshold, copy/duplicate schedules, time off management, export the schedule, and add meetings to the schedule (5). This are shows you how many agents are required and how many we have scheduled (6). When ready to publish the schedule select 'Publish' (7).



  • Publish New Schedules will pop up. Select Scheduling units drop down (1). Select the start date of the schedule (2) Select how many weeks you would like to publish (3) then select 'Publish' (4)



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