Manage WEM skills for WFM
Associate skills with agents for WFM scheduling. This lets WFM know what skills agents are taking. This is needed when agents change skills or move from HO to SS or SS or HO.
General Information
Open CXone application.
Open Admin application.
Select WEM Skills (1). WEM skills created (2).
Manage WEM Skills
Adding agents to WEM skills
Select WEM skill.
Select Employees (1). Select Assign employees (2).
Seach agent name (1). Select agent name (2). Agents you select to add to this WEM skill (3). Select Confirm (4).
Removing agents from WEM skill
Select WEM skill.
Select Employees (1). Select Assign employees (2).
Select Assigned (1). Select agent you want to remove and click X (2). Confirm (3).
Create New WEM Skill
How to create a new WEM skill.
Select New WEM Skill (1). Enter selected WEM Skill name (2). Assign to a channel (3). Add associate skills (4). Select employees (5).
Select Assign employees.
Seach agent name (1). Select agent name (2). Agents you select to add to this WEM skill (3). Select Confirm (4).
Select Create once all information is entered.