New DocuSign ID Authentication Process

New DocuSign ID Authentication Process

The following video can be shared with installers/reps/homeowners who need assistance and understanding the DocuSign ID Authentication process (Click Here)

Background: Starting November 1, 2024, the process for homeowner identification verification during contract signing will change to require ID verification via DocuSign instead of using LexisNexis knowledgebase questions.






  • Once the contract is sent, the homeowner will receive an email from DocuSign containing a link to access the contract

The email will include a button or link that says "Review Documents".


  • Homeowner must click on “Review Documents





  • The contract document will begin to load

However; before accessing the contract, the homeowner will need to verify their identity with a government-issued ID.



  • A prompt will appear, asking the homeowner to select the type of ID they want to use for verification.

ID Verification: Exemption for Suffixes in Names

Notification to Installers:

Please be advised to use only the first and last name as they appear on the ID when completing the contract. Do not include any suffixes in the contract. Deal Processing will no longer request NCCOs to add suffixes to the contract. However, we will ensure that the individual named in the contract, ID, credit application, and title are the same person.

Note: DocuSign does not recognize suffixes on IDs.

The homeowner will:

  1. Click the Next button.

  2. Choose the type of ID they will use

  3. Select the country where the ID was issued (e.g., United States).




  • The homeowner will be prompted to review and agree to DocuSign's privacy policies and terms and conditions.


  • Then click “I Agree” to continue


  • Homeowners will be asked to enter their phone number to receive an SMS text message with a link to upload their ID.



  • Once the homeowner clicks the link from the SMS or scans the QR code, a new page will load on their phone.

  • The browser will ask for permission to allow camera access.

    • The homeowner should click Allow.


  • The phone's camera will open, and the homeowner will:


  • After ID verification is complete, the homeowner will proceed to sign and initial the contract as normal using the DocuSign interface.

  • Once all required fields are filled and the document is signed, the process is complete.

Common reason for ID rejection:

  • Legibility Issues/unreadable

  • Shadow cast on the ID obscured key information

  • Excess lighting that may cause reflections

  • The entire ID is not captured in the image

  • Ensure there are no additional objects in the photo, as this could make the photo appear tampered with and lead to rejection.

Important Notes:
