Setting up system monitoring - RIC customers

Setting up system monitoring - RIC customers


Once installation is complete and PTO received, RIC (EverBright EverOwn and EverOwn Plus) customers can monitor the system production by setting up system monitoring through their inverter manufacturer’s website. This feature is optional for RIC 1.0 customers and required for RIC 2.0 customers.

After the solar system installation is complete the installer has to set up the homeowner’s system for monitoring.

The owner of the system (homeowner) needs to grant Everbright access to the project in the Enphase portal. The homeowner typically receives an email from Enphase requesting access. The installer should coordinate with the homeowner to have access to granted to EverBright. Note: Omnidian should NOT be added as an owner as RIC’s are not managed by Omnidian:


NOTE (ENPHASE ONLY): If the Homeowner does not receive the email to approve EverBright’s access, share the link below with them and when they open the link, it will grant access to EB:


For Enlighten Access (Enphase)

Full Video- Enphase Installer App commissioning for Enphase Battery Storage- Full Video

Harness the sun to make, use, save, and sell your own power.

The installer will register the system with Enphase using the homeowner’s email address. There are no additional steps the homeowner needs to take to activate Enlighten monitoring for your system, and the software is free for system owners.

After the installer receives permission to operate your solar system (PTO), and the system is powered on and has operated successfully for 24 hours, the homeowner will be sent their Enlighten login credentials.

The username is the email address on the contract. The homeowner will be sent a temporary password that will need to be reset when first logging on.

For SolarEdge Access:

SolarEdge Monitoring Platform: Creating a New Site| International


To use the SolarEdge monitoring platform, the system installer will create and register the system and then add the homeowner as the system owner.
Once the installer initiates the registration, the homeowner will receive an invitation e-mail with a link to a form to fill in.

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