Illinois Adjustable Block Program (ABP)

Illinois Adjustable Block Program (ABP)

Background: As of Feb. 14th, the PPA workflow for Illinois is being modified.


Modifying the PPA workflow for jobs in Illinois will make it easier to submit incentive-related documents for the Illinois Adjustable Block Program (ABP). There will now be a new task in both M1 and M3 called “IL Incentive Related Documentation” where the IL ABP Disclosure Form can be uploaded. This form will now be required only upon initial design in M1 and then again in M3 when there are no additional changes to the project.


Disclosure forms must be completed through the Illinois ABP website. (Click Here)


If you receive a call from a Sales rep or Installer indicating that they need to cancel the job in order to complete the disclosure form:

If you receive a call from a Sales rep or Installer indicating that they need to cancel the job in order to complete the disclosure form:

  • Please take note that they don't need to cancel the job for this purpose if the disclosure form was signed ON or BEFORE the Everbright signature’s Date. The sales rep or installers just need to upload the IL Incentive Document to the IL Incentive Related Documentation task.

    The IL Incentive document must be signed on the same day or before the EverBright contract was signed. If the IL Incentive document was signed after the EverBright contract, this will a require full re-sign of the EverBright contract and a new IL Incentive document.

How to confirm the Disclosure Form Signature Date?








  • Navigate through the Milestone and click on the “IL Incentive Related Documentation” Task





  • Click on the Uploaded Documentation




  • Scroll Down until you see the “Signature” Field and confirm the Date on it




  • Compare it against the Everbright Signature Date by clicking on the “Customer Agreement” Task


If the disclosure form was signed in M1 and there is a homeowner change order, the customer will be need to complete a new disclosure form and the installer will be required to upload the new disclosure in M3 along with the HCO.

For any concerns or complaints regarding the Illinois Adjustable Block Program (ABP), escalate to the issue to Compliance.


Related Article:

When and How to Escalate Matters to Compliance