New Change Order Task

New Change Order Task

Background: A change order will be use to make adjustments or Modifications to something that was already planned, stated or implemented in the existing contract

Starting November 20, 2024, we implemented a change by consolidating all change order tasks into a single milestone task in order to simplify the change order process..

  • The task will be named as Change Order (HCO/NCCO/ICO.

  • Installer Change Orders (ICOs) will have their own subtask

  • Homeowner Change Orders (HCOs) and No Cost Change Orders (NCCOs) will be combined into one subtask.

    • For HCOs and NCCOs, when you click the "Generate" button, a modal will appear, showing the required change order type along with the reason it was triggered.

Table of Content:

Consolidated Change Order Tasks

New Task will be named as “Change Order (HCO/NCCO/ICO)” consolidating all change order tasks into a single milestone task.

  • The Process for Editing the Project to generate the HCO is the same as for the ICO (You Only do this once)

  • If the “If Applicable” Text is not available, this means it is Required to be able to move forward

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Homeowner Change Orders (HCO/NCCO)

Installer Change Order (ICO)

  • If you have a change requiring an Installer Change Order, you will also need to complete a Homeowner Change Order under the following circumstances:

  • The Installer Change order is an addendum to the work order. Any of the following changes will require an ICO:



How to check which Change Order document was generated?

To check wich NCCO/HCO/ICO Document was generated:

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  • Go to Operations Phase



  • Select the task named as “Change Orders (HCO/NCCO/ICO)”


  • Click on the “History” Tab

Automatic Change Order Creation Based on Product Rule Discrepancy:

The change order task automatically checks if any product rule discrepancy has occurred during the process (The product rule discrepancy occurs when a pre-defined condition or requirement for a product is not met)

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  • Once the discrepancy is detected, the system will determine which type of change order needs to be created automatically

  • The Types of change orders are:

    • NCCO (No Cost Change Order)

    • HCO (Homeowner Change Order)

    • ICO (Installer Change Order)



  • Along with the Change order, The system will provide step by step instructions on how to proceed



  • Follow the instructions provided to complete the change order process


How to Preview the Change Order Document Sample:

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  • Go to the “Operations Phase

    • Select the Task Named as “Change Orders (HCO/NCCO/ICO)





  • Under the “Subtasks” Tab;

    • Locate the Change Order Document we’ve sent and click on the 3 dots next to it

    • Then Click on “History



Change Order Issues/Scenarios and Steps to Troubleshoot

Due to the recent consolidation of the New Change Order task, few issues came up affecting certain jobs. So this segment of the SOP will guide you on how to troubleshoot and resolve common issues encountered when dealing with rejected tasks involving the ICO (Installation Change Order) HCO (Homeowner Change Order) or NCCO (No Cost Change Order)

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Task Rejection Not Displayed

Problem: Installers report that a task was rejected, but no rejection message or rejected task is visible in the system.

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  • Open the milestone feed for the project in question and look for rejection messages related to the Change Order. (NCCO/HCO/ICO)

Check the Milestone Feed


  • Identify the reason for rejection. For example, in California, the HIS (Home Improvement Salesperson) number might be incorrect.

Verify Specific Rejections


  • Inform the installer to correct the identified issue

Correct the Issue


  • After resolving the issue, have the installer regenerate the specified change order. (NCCO/HCO/ICO)

Regenerate specified Change Order task

System is not showing Both (NCCO and New Change Order) as generated in the History Tab

Problem: The ICO/NCCO was generated, but it does not appear in the system's history.

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Open the milestone feed for the project in question and look for rejection messages related to the Change Order. (NCCO/HCO/ICO)

Check the milestone feed



Check the NCCO sub-task tab to view the document that is declined.

Review No Cost Change Order Sub Task Tab



Access the Change Orders (HCO/NCCO/ICO) task. Then click Generate.

Generate the required Change Order



Reassure users that after completing the required change order and all other necessary tasks, they can submit the milestone for approval.

Milestone can be submitted for approval


The System Displays Milestone Rejection but doesn’t show the Type of Task

Problem: The change order document was generated/sent before the system data fix and an action is needed.

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Access the No Cost Change Order task.

  • Take note that the change order was generated and sent before the consolidation of the Change Order task date (November 20, 2024).

Check Milestone All Task Tab


Click the Action button (the three dots), then choose the Re-send option from the dropdown menu.

Re-send the change order document



No Cost Change Orders:




NCCO can be use to update the following:





We will ONLY accept requests to update information if the request is coming from the Homeowner through:




Phone Call:



  • If the Homeowner is calling from the same phone number on record





Please refer to the following article (Click Here)




  • Only If the phone number is what needs to be updated. In that case the homeowner must contact us through Email by using the same Email address on record




NCCO will not be applicable to update the Email Address since NCCO will be used only for required changes AFTER the contract has been signed)








Once the required information has been updated by support then The Sales Rep/Installer will need to use the NCCO Feature and generate a No Cost Change Order






Always ensure that if you modify the address, this one should match the address listed under ‘For Property Located At’, and NOT the one under “mailing address





Step 1




Step 2



Step 3

Instructions for how installers can generate a Change Order (HCO/NCCO/ICO)

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  • Navigate to “Operations Phase”, go to the current milestone (M1 or M2) and click on the “Change Orders (HCO/NCCO/ICO)” Task

  • Then click the “Generate” Button on the right side










  • The system will show you a pop up window including the information related with the change order you are trying to generate.





  • To update the Sales Rep or contractor’s name, Use the NCCO Edit Signers task:







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