Equipment Installed on the Wrong Meter

Equipment Installed on the Wrong Meter

Background: Homeowners may contact us complaining because the Solar system has been installed on the wrong meter, or Support has encountered that the Solar has been installed on the wrong meter

This document will provide the necessary steps to ensure the issue is resolved efficiently while keeping the customer informed throughout the process.


Table of Content:

Front-Line Support Process:






  • Homeowner will contact us complaining because the Solar system has been installed on the wrong meter



  • Check in SalesForce for any Open Case related with the Homeowner’s Complaint

  • Is there an Open Case?

    • IF YES:

      • Tag the Case Owner in the case Feed asking to please contact the customer back with new updates

      • Let the customer know that there is an open case and that the case owner will be contacting them back as soon as possible within the next 24-48 Business hours

    • IF NOT:



A new case will be needed, so we first need to gather the following:

  • Ask for the Meter Number where the solar system is currently tied in

This will be visible for the Homeowner in their Utility Bill (Check the image for reference)

  • Where is the correct meter located?

Request a photo of the Meter (if possible)

  • This can be sent out to (Support@myeverbright.com)

  • What is the Correct Meter Number where the solar system should be tied to?


  • Has the customer already tried to contact the Installer regarding this concern?


  • Ask and take note if the Installer has provided a timeframe for repair and if there is someone specific handling the case




  • Primary Reason:

    • Complaints

  • Case Description:

    • Include a detailed explanation of the call/Interaction.

    • CXone Interaction ID.

    • Key Points of the interaction:

      • Meter Number where the solar system is currently tied in

      • Where is the correct meter located?

      • Photo of the Correct Meter (If possible)

      • Correct Meter Number where the solar system should be tied to

      • Review the Certificate of Completion.

      • Has the customer already tried to contact the Installer regarding this concern?

        • Installer has provided a timeframe for repair

        • Is there someone specific handling the case?






  • Tell the customer that a new case has been created for further investigation and we will be contacting them back within the next 24-48 business hours

    • Then Stop

Back Office Procedure:


EverBright Customer:






  • Verify the following details in Engine:



  • If you've confirmed that the solar system is installed on the wrong meter, follow these steps:



  • Email the installer to advise of the homeowner’s concerns and advise the installer to contact the homeowner by phone



Mutual Customer, _____, at address, _________, reached out with a concern of Solar System installed on the wrong meter. We would like your assistance in receiving a response or update regarding this complaint along with the below questions. They can be reached at _____.

  1. Do you have recent communications with the homeowner? What does that look like?

  2. Have you addressed or contacted the homeowner about this specific concern? If not, why? If so, what updates can you provide

  3. How do you plan to make this right for the homeowner? Or if you do not feel they need to, can you provide details on why along with any documentation?

  4. (Insert any other specific homeowner related concern question)

Thank you,
(Agent name)


  • Email the homeowner to advise that we reached out to the installer and also provide them the installers escalated contact information.



  • If the installer made contact and the Homeowner is satisfied, thank the homeowner and close both (Email and related Case) by using the quick reply named as “Install-Complnt Done



If the Homeowner has not heard from the installer in 2 days:


Referral Comment Template:


Mutual Customer, _____, at address, _________, reached out with a concern of Solar System installed on the wrong meter. We would like your assistance in receiving a response or update regarding this complaint along with the below questions. They can be reached at _____.

  1. Do you have recent communications with the homeowner? What does that look like?

  2. Have you addressed or contacted the homeowner about this specific concern? If not, why? If so, what updates can you provide

  3. How do you plan to make this right for the homeowner? Or if you do not feel they need to, can you provide details on why along with any documentation?

  4. (Insert any other specific homeowner related concern question)

Thank you,
(Agent name)


  • Work the case and close when completed

Beam/Concert Customer:









  • Once we send the email to Green Tech Renewables; Create a Commitment Email in CXone to let the Homeowner know that we are currently working on obtaining updates by using the quick reply named as “Unresponsive Beam HO

How to proceed once the issue is resolved with the Correct Meter:






  • Case Owner will be responsible for following up with both (Installer and the Customer) to get regular updates


  • Once the issue is resolved and the Systemis tied to the correct meter



  • Finally; Close the Case after confirming that the issue has been fully resolved and Stop


How to proceed If the Installer is Not willing to help:








Referral Comment Template:


Mutual Customer, _____, at address, _________, reached out with a concern of Solar System installed on the wrong meter. We would like your assistance in receiving a response or update regarding this complaint along with the below questions. They can be reached at _____.

  1. Do you have recent communications with the homeowner? What does that look like?

  2. Have you addressed or contacted the homeowner about this specific concern? If not, why? If so, what updates can you provide

  3. How do you plan to make this right for the homeowner? Or if you do not feel they need to, can you provide details on why along with any documentation?

  4. (Insert any other specific homeowner related concern question)

Thank you,
(Agent name)



  • Work the case and close when completed



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