Regulated and Deregulated Markets

Regulated and Deregulated Markets

Background: This guide provides a comprehensive understanding of regulated and deregulated electricity markets, and specific examples in the state of Texas, and offers step-by-step instructions for agents and installers to ensure accurate identification and processing of utility bills.


Understand the Key Differences Between Regulated and Deregulated Markets

Regulated Market

  • Price Controls:

    • Set by Authorities: Electricity prices are typically set or approved by government or state regulatory bodies, ensuring that rates are stable and predictable.

    • Limited Competition: Electricity providers are often monopolies or have limited competition within a designated geographic area.

  • Involvement of Utilities:

    • Utility Coordination: Utilities are typically responsible for the transmission and distribution of electricity, and they often handle the billing and customer service aspects.

    • Net Metering Policies: Policies for net metering (the ability to sell excess solar energy back to the grid) are usually well-defined and regulated by state authorities.

  • Consumer Protections:

    • Regulatory Oversight: There are stringent consumer protection laws and regulations in place to safeguard customers' interests.

  • Incentives and Rebates:

    • Government Incentives: Regulated markets often have structured incentive programs, rebates, and tax credits regulated and managed at the state or federal level.

Deregulated Market

  • Price Variability:

    • Market-Driven Prices: Electricity prices fluctuate based on supply and demand. Consumers may have the option to choose from different plans and providers, leading to potentially lower rates but also higher variability.

    • Increased Competition: There is more competition among electricity suppliers, which can drive innovation and better customer service, but also complexity in choosing the best plan.

  • Involvement of Retailers:

    • Multiple Providers: Customers can choose their electricity supplier from a variety of retailers, although the local utility still typically handles the physical delivery of electricity.

    • Diverse Offerings: Retailers may offer a range of products, from fixed-rate plans to variable-rate plans, and even green energy plans that can complement solar installations.

  • Consumer Choice and Flexibility:

    • Plan Options: Customers have more options to tailor their energy plans to their specific needs, including those that integrate with solar power or other renewable energy sources.

    • Contract Terms: There can be a variety of contract lengths and terms, providing flexibility but also requiring careful consideration to avoid unfavorable conditions.

  • Incentives and Rebates:

    • Market-Driven Incentives: Incentives and rebates can vary widely and may be offered by individual electricity retailers or through market-driven programs. These may not be as standardized or predictable as in regulated markets.

Identifying regulated versus deregulated markets


Review the Customer's Location

  • Check if the location is served by a municipal utility, electric cooperative, or regulated company (use the provided list).

  • If listed, the area is regulated.

  1. Austin - Austin Energy

  2. San Antonio - CPS Energy

  3. Denton - Denton Municipal Electric

  4. El Paso Electric Co

  5. Garland - Garland Power & Light

  6. Brownsville - Brownsville Public Utilities Board

  7. Bryan - Bryan Texas Utilities (BTU)

  8. College Station - College Station Utilities

  9. Floresville - Floresville Electric Light & Power System (FELPS)

  10. Greenville - GEUS (Greenville Electric Utility System)

  11. New Braunfels - New Braunfels Utilities (NBU)

  12. Seguin - Seguin Electric Utility

  13. San Marcos - San Marcos Electric Utility

  14. San Augustine - City of San Augustine

  15. Tulia - City of Tulia Utilities

  16. Boerne - Boerne Electric Utility

  17. Fredericksburg - Fredericksburg City Electric Department

  18. Kirbyville Light & Power

    1. Solar Not Allowed

  19. Brenham - City of Brenham

  1. Bartlett Electric Cooperative, Inc. (BEC)

  2. Big Country Electric Cooperative, Inc. (BCEC)

  3. Bluebonnet Electric Cooperative

  4. Bowie-Cass Electric Coop, Inc

  5. Brazos Electric Cooperative

  6. Central Texas Electric Cooperative

  7. Cherokee County Electric Cooperative

  8. CoServ Electric (Denton County Electric Cooperative)

  9. Deep East Texas Electric Cooperative

  10. Fannin County Electric Coop

  11. Farmers Electric Cooperative

  12. Grayson-Collin Electric Cooperative

  13. Guadalupe Valley Electric Cooperative (GVEC)

  14. Hamilton County Electric Cooperative

  15. Heart of Texas Electric Cooperative

  16. HILCO Electric Cooperative, Inc.

  17. Houston County Electric Cooperative

  18. Jackson Electric Coop, Inc

  19. Jasper-Newton Electric Cooperative

  20. Lamar Electric Cooperative

  21. Magic Valley Electric Cooperative

  22. Medina Electric Coop, Inc

  23. Mid-South Electric Cooperative Association (Mid-South EC)

  24. Navarro County Electric Cooperative

  25. Navasota Valley Electric Cooperative

  26. Pedernales Electric Cooperative (PEC)

  27. PenTex Energy (Cooke County Electric Cooperative)

  28. Sam Houston Electric Cooperative

  29. San Bernard Electric Cooperative

  30. South Plains Electric Cooperative

  31. Southwest Rural Electric Association

  32. Taylor Electric Cooperative

  33. Tri-County Electric Cooperative

  34. Trinity Valley Elec Coop Inc

  35. United Cooperative Services

  36. Victoria Electric Cooperative, Inc. (VEC)

  37. Wise Electric Cooperative

  1. Xcel Energy - New Mexico-Texas (formerly Southwestern Pub Svc)

  2. Entergy

For Deregulated Areas

  • Confirm the utility in the Usage Phase corresponds to the TDU (not the REP on the bill).

  • Use the "Determine the TDU" table to identify the correct TDU based on the REP or outage reporting phone number.


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