Credit Qualifications: EverBright PPA / Lease

Credit Qualifications: EverBright PPA / Lease


Background: This refers to PPA products only. The customer must submit a credit application and pass credit criteria and sign the agreement to be eligible. The criteria include a combination of credit score/s and requirements, including mortgage, debt delinquency, bankruptcy and income (DTI)


Table of Content:


Please be aware that as of October 18th 2024, The minimum credit score for all financing options will increase from 670 to 700.

Applications with a credit score below 700 will no longer be eligible for “Conditional Approval”, Which previously required additional Debt To Income (DTI) Documentation

  • Please refer to the following KB Article: (Click Here)

Joint Applicants

Joint Applicants

  • Regardless of past credit history, all applicants are welcome to apply. However, we encourage co-applicants to submit a credit application to increase the chances of qualifying for the product.


Please refer to the Following Article to review the requirements to add a Co-Applicant or Co-Signer

  • There are a maximum of 2 applicants allowed on any credit application

  • If you are adding a co-applicant, the co-applicant MUST be in the Property’s TITLE

Credit FAQ’s

Credit FAQ’s



Is there going to be a Hard Inquiry?



Do we need both applicants in the title too?




When is the Credit Approval going to expire?




Can a Credit be transferred to a new project?





How is my PPA Agreement going to affect my credit?



Credit Qualification Results Chart (Engine)

Credit Qualification Results Chart (Engine)


  • The following chart shows the potential results subsequent to running pre-qualification:

Conditional Approvals - Income verification

Conditional Approvals - Income verification


  • Conditional approvals will require further documentation to move forward. The customer will receive an email with a list of required documentation.





How to Handle EB qualification Declined for Forclosure

  • Installer contacts support and indicates that the customer’s EB qualification has been declined for a property foreclosure and that the customer denies having a foreclosure.

  • This can be completed by sending the mortgage statement via email to dealprocessing@goeverbright.com or uploading it to Engine under the documents section on the qualification page:


Related Articles:

Co-Signer/Co-Applicant Requirements