Quoting PPA as Solar+ Storage (CA only currently)

Quoting PPA as Solar+ Storage (CA only currently)


Adding battery storage to a solar system will allow the customer to export solar when local energy demand is at its highest.  Installers now have the ability to quote PPA’s + storage in the state of California.

When a battery is added to a project and PPA is selected in the quote phase, a quote method dropdown list will pop up.

Batteries purchased under a PPA will be warrantied for the term of the contract. This is different from the RIC which only offers a manufacturer warranty.

If the user gets an equipment error when trying to quote solar plus storage PPA, check to make sure they are using the correct battery for the project. Tesla batteries are not on the AVL for PPA’s.

There, the installer can choose to quote the Full project (solar + storage together) or as Solar and Storage separately.

When quoting using the full project method, the user is likely to encounter errors because when adding the price of a battery (which does not generate power) to the system, the quote will likely violate the cost savings rule for PPA’s. Installers should be pointed to quoting using the solar plus storage method as this results in less quoting errors.

When creating a quote and selecting Full Project the installer has the option to set the install cost as the quote term:

Note, if the installer gets an error when attempting to quote the full project based on install cost it is likely because the battery price is not stored in the equipment inventory:

To check, navigate to the user settings for the Org > Project Phase > Storage:

In the example below the batteries have no associated retail cost:


Org Admins have the ability to set costs on batteries. Otherwise, the installer can quote solar and storage separately within the quote to show cost benefits of storage without skewing the solar rate:





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