NEM 3.0 Export Rate Schedules (CA Only)

NEM 3.0 Export Rate Schedules (CA Only)


California utilities will transition to NEM 3.0 (Net Billing) on April 15th. California’s three investor-owned utility companies (PG&E, SCE, and SDG&E) will offer their own rate plans under NEM 3.0, with increased monthly fixed charges and reduced payments for excess solar energy. NEM credits will be based on hourly export values calculated from the Avoided Cost Calculator (ACC).

Rate schedules that reflect these export values are available in the Usage Phase under Post -Project Rate Schedule:

Beginning April 1st, the EB platform usage rates for California residents will default to the Standard NEM 3.0 rate schedule. The NEM 3.0 rate schedules will reflect the appropriate rates for the utility and allow the installer to better estimate usage and export rates:


NEM 2.0 Rates will still be available in the drop-down list through April 14th but will be removed once NEM 3.0 is in effect.

In addition to the residential standard NEM 3.0 rates, PG&E and SCE utilities are incorporating an incentive for residents called the ACC Plus ‘glide path’, where the customer will receive additional export credits on top of the standard rate (SDG&E is not participating in the program). ACC Plus glide path adders will be available to all residents if they sign up for NEM 3.0 in the first 5 years. Every year that passes before a resident signs up for NEM 3.0, the glide path adder incentive will decrease by 20%, and completely phase out in 5 years.

Under the ACC Plus program, a fixed cents per kilowatt-hour (c/kWh) export adder will be included into the ACC-based hourly export credits. There are 3 different glide path adder rates in the schedule:

  1. Residential - the standard glide path adder rate

  2. Low-Income - higher export glide path adder for low-income residents

  3. Non-Residential - glide path adders are not available for non-residents, new construction, commercial customers, or SDG&E residential customers

EverBright has incorporated glide path adder rates into the post-project rate schedule in the platform. Using the drop-down menu, installers can select the rate that aligns with the ACC Plus glide path rate:

Rate schedules are for modeling purposes only. Residents need to apply for NEM 3.0 in order to secure the glide path adder rates. If customers reach out and are unsure how to quote or design jobs under NEM 3.0, refer them to their account manager

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